I’ve been having a lot of fun with wigs lately. A lot is actually an understatement. I’m totally in love! If you’ve been following me for a while you know I’m no stranger to this protective style. U-parts, synthetic wigs, full lace, straight wigs, curly wigs…I’ve just about worn them all. Wigs are such a great way to give your hair a break and become a totally different person. What I love so much about the wigs I’ve chosen to wear over the past few months is that they do not look “wiggy”. Tons of women have stopped to ask me about my hair and when I reveal it is a wig they are completely floored. So, if you too want to switch up your look but you are afraid of the “wiggy” look this video is for you.
How to Choose A Wig For Natural Hair
Also Read: How to Slay Any Wig With Natural Hair
Although wearing a wig for the first time can be a little scary, the best way to ease into this new style is to first wear it in the comfort of your own home to test it out. The last thing you want to do is feel self-conscious as you walk around in public. As a really good (and honest friend) for their feedback if you’re still unsure. But most importantly make sure you BLEND, especially if there is some of your natural hair left out.
Last but not least, don’t neglect your real hair underneath the wigs. Maintain a moisturized scalp every day to prevent extreme dryness and itchiness. Remember, this is a protective style in order to give your hair a rest, but it’s not mean to be counter productive. My favorite daily moisturizer if the Obia Naturals Curl Hydration Spray.
Also See: 5 Rules to A Healthy Scalp While Protective Styling
Wig Discount Codes:
FINGERCOMBER Discount Code: TEXTUREDTALK https://fingercomber.com/
Kinky Curly Yaki Discount Code: TEXTUREDTALK http://bit.ly/TexturedTalkKCY
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I like what you said about trying on a wig for the first time might be intimidating, but the best way to ease into this new style is to do it in the privacy of your own home. My cousin told me the other day about her hair loss. She asked me about solutions. I told her in the meantime it would be good to use a wig first. I will share this post for her to learn tips about using a wig.