There is a lot of natural hair inspiration on Instagram so if you’ve come across this week’s Textured Talk With feature, Angela Miller, then I’m sure you follow several popular natural hair pages. One day while scrolling and double tapping, liking photos here and there, I came across a beautiful photo of @loveisbellaaa rocking a gorgeous fro and a pink Howard hoodie. I reposted immediately as what I like to call #TexturedInspiration. Maybe it was the Howard hoodie (HU!), maybe it was the fro…either way I knew I wanted to learn more about Angela’s hair journey and if you are reading this then I’m sure you do too. Enjoy my interview with her.
1. Tell us a little about yourself and your hairstory?
I started my journey in June of 2012 when I began to grow out my permed hair. I initially decided to go natural because I learned how to bantu knot on my permed hair from one of my linesisters and I fell in love with textured hair, so I decided why not grow out my own hair instead of trying to “fake it ’til I make it” with these bantu knot styles. I ended up finally big chopping 9 months later in March of 2013 and this is when my love for hair really began.
2. How would you categorize your texture?
I would say it’s in the 4a-4b category. It really depends on the day. My hair is definitely coily though.
3. What is your hair regime and daily go-to style?
My most favorite go-to style is a puff. It is SO easy to do and it the cutest style to me. I also really love flat twists and pin ups which I’m starting to have to use more now since my hair is getting a little too big for puffs.
4. What are your top products of choice right now?
My top products of choice are shea butter (I’m addicted to shea butter! 🙂 ), I also love coconut oil and jojoba oil. These are products I use on my hair and body daily. I like to keep it very simple and all natural when it comes to what I put in my hair.
5. What are your hair goals for the year?
My hair goals are to keep my ends healthy and hydrated and to maintain fullness. I also want to put more effort into my hair because I have more lazy hair days than not which is why my ends don’t remain healthy.
Thanks so much Angela! Also check out her Youtube channel here to follow her journey!
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