So you want to start a blog but you literally have no idea how to turn your passion into content. Blog content creation does not have to be stressful. Trust me, if I have been doing this consistently for years you can too. The one thing that has helped me with blog content creation is my intense passion of whatever I am writing about at the time. Sometimes it is natural hair, other times it is self-care or blogging content. No matter the topic, I use the 3 tips below to help with blog content creation to provide serious value!
KickStart Your Blog Content Creation With 3 Steps
1. Allow your inspiration to drive you
Have you ever went to bed thinking about something so intently it literally wakes you up out of your sleep? Ok maybe I am the only one but if you have this inkling of a feeling too that is great! Clearly you are beyond inspired by something so allow that to drive you.
Literally, ask yourself “What keeps me up at night about my passion? What would provide value if I shared this with other people?” Whatever your blog niche is, inspiration should be your #1 blog content creation tool.
Alternatively, your frustration could be the saving grace to someone else. Have you figured out a life hack and you want to share with others? This is GREAT blog content as well. Use your frustration for great blog content creation ideas.
Here is an example of how to allow my personal inspiration to create a recent blog post about organizing my natural hair products:
Frustration: “Ugh, my natural hair products are all over the place. I can’t find anything and this disorganization is driving me crazy!”
Solution: “Oh! I’m going to organize everything in clear containers so I can easily find stuff.”
Result: “OMG this is amazing! Everyone should know how to do this!”
Blog Post Content: “How to Organize Your Hair Products for $30”
As a new blogger, there is at least one reason why you wanted to share your passion with others online. Go back to that reason and further expand upon that goal. If you allow inspiration to fuel content creation the possibilities are endless.
2. Turn your FAQs into valuable content
The next step in blog content creation is to take note and figure out the #1 questions people keep asking you. Now remember, I am referring to the questions people keep asking you about your particular blog niche.
If you are a fitness and wellness blogger, but people keep asking you about your favorite lipstick this might not line up exactly with the blog content you want to share. Blog content must be intentional and valuable to your target audience.
However, if every time you share a meal-prep video and people ask about your super convenient tupperware containers then that’s the exact type of blog content creation trigger question you want to note!
In this example, a perfect blog post could be “The Most Efficient and Inexpensive Containers for Meal Prepping” See how easy that was?
When using FAQs for blog content creation ask yourself three things of the person asking the question.
Blog Content Creation FAQs:
- What results are they hoping to get from asking me this question?
- How can I provide value in my answer?
- Why do people keep asking me this over and over?
Frequently asked questions will provide you with so many ideas! Do you need to figure out a way to get people to ask you questions? I have a simple solution for that: SHARE MORE. It is really that people you guys. Share more of your journey, process, or whatever your blog niche is with others.
For me, I blog about natural hair and lifestyle topics. As a result, I am continuously sharing hair products I love on social media. I use Instagram stories to share my shopping trips and why I choose to purchase certain products over others. Alternatively, I also share my step by step processes when styling my hair, cooking or working out.
“I make myself interesting so other people will be INTERESTED!“
I make myself interesting so other people will be INTERESTED! In return, people ask me questions. This is literally the easiest blog content creation strategy you never knew you needed until now.
3. Play off of pop-culture and news stories and other viral content
This might be my favorite blog content creation tool! Trust me, this is so easy for you to use. It is completely OK for you to play off of recent pop-culture trends, news stories, and other viral content!
News travels fast thanks to social media. Facebook is a perfect example. How many times have you seen think pieces, re-caps or just informational articles surrounding the current hot topic in the media? Whenever Beyonce does ANYTHING, there is likely to be a round of articles floating around the internet (rightfully so) with someone’s take on what happened and why. Use this as your opportunity to take advantage too.
Another example is the recent release of Ava Duverney’s Netflix Documentary “When They See Us”. This certainly sparked a ton of online debate and websites took no time at all to hop into this conversation.
Check out this example from Black Enterprise Magazine: WHY I MAY NEVER SEE ‘WHEN THEY SEE US’
And using pop culture doesn’t have to be super serious. A perfect example is Cardi B’s appearance in the “Twerk” video. Several websites and blogs used this as an opportunity to use that hit record for an eye-catching copy that would get several clicks online.
Take a recent viral pop culture situation and see how you can repurpose the content for your blog niche!
So to recap there are 3 things you should be doing to kickstart your ideas and create blog content as a newbie blogger.
- Let your passion lead you
- Think about questions people keep asking you over and over
- Play off of pop culture and viral content
Have you used any of these ideas? To help get your FREE Blogging Brainstorm Mind-Map below so you can get started.