Honey & Olive Oil: Quick Remedy for Dry Hair

Temperatures are dropping, the air is getting colder and for some, your hair is probably getting drier by the day.  A few weeks ago I tried this quick olive oil & honey pre-poo (pre-shampoo) treatment on my dry strands and…

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Why You Should Invest In A Hair Steamer

The first time I learned the term hydration treatment was in 2010, after 3 years of being natural.  Yes, I was probably a little late to the game so sue me!  Similar to you probably, growing up, I’d always used…

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Moisture 101: What is Porosity and Why is it Important?

If you’ve been in the natural hair world for a while I’m sure you’ve heard or read things about porosity and its importance.  If you haven’t heard of porosity then this post is for you! Knowing your hair’s porosity, in…

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