How to Organize Your Hair Products for Only $30!

How to Organize Your Hair Products for Only $30!

If you’re looking for someone to teach you how to organize your hair products you have definitely come to the right place. Before blogging I had quite a stash of products. Now, after blogging for almost 5 years, getting press boxes, going to natural hair events and buying products on my own for review, my hair products have gotten of control!

After finally getting frustrated with my own disorganization I decided to take control over the hair product explosion happening under my bathroom sink. When I posted this photo to Instagram I received so much feedback so I knew I had to give you all more details! 

How to Organize Your Hair Products

1. Purchase Clear Containers in Multiple Sizes

Here is an example of one that I purchased.

If your product stash is anything like mine, you have shampoos, conditioners and styling products of all different shapes in sizes. You need to purchase a variety of container sizes to ensure your products will fit. My suggestion to start is 3 large containers, 3 medium and 3 small. My containers are from the container store and were actually advertised as shoe boxes and accessory containers.  You can also purchase something similar from Amazon. Doesn’t matter what they are advertised for, you need them for hair products. 

Online they are sold by the case and some are sold individually. I suggest purchasing individually in the store so you can get an idea of the size in person. For example. some shampoo and conditioner bottles were taller than I expected so I had to lay them down vs storing them standing up-right.

In total I purchased a combination of 7 clear containers for just $30! Yes $30.

2. Categorize products

To make things easier to find I broke my things up into 7 categories. 7…yes I know I have a problem!

  • Shampoos (Large Container)
  • Conditioners (Large Container)
  • Styling products (Large Container)
  • Scarves, head wraps, combs brushes (Medium Container)
  • Hair ties bobby pins, clamps, (Small container)
  • Edge control, small serums (Small container)
  • Handheld hair dryers, Soft Bonnet dryers, curling wands, flatirons (Extra Large Container)

3. Trash products you haven’t used in over 6 months!

Trust me I’m the #1 hoarder of products (ask my husband if you don’t believe me!). However, if you are trying to figure out how to organize your hair products, one major rule of getting organized is trashing things that no longer serve you.

Do you still have that shampoo from 2 years ago? Toss it! Do you still have that natural or organic deep conditioner from 1 year ago? Most natural and organic products have a set shelf-life so it might have gone bad anyway. Check your label and read the ingredients to be sure before tossing, but also be honest with yourself about products and tools you just aren’t using anymore.

During my organization rant I trashed a few things and it felt soooo good! Are you on a mission to figure out how to organize your hair products? Comment and let me know! What’s stopping you?

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Charlene Walton
Charlene Walton

Charlene Walton McCraney is a Dallas beauty and lifestyle blogger. After years of styling her and several friends’ hair as a hobby, offering advice and tips, she decided to combine two of her favorite things…writing and talking about natural hair! was created to promote healthy hair care for women of all textures and has since evolved into other beauty and lifestyle topics. Charlene loves teaching other aspiring bloggers on how to take their passion and turn it into amazing content to provide value.

Charlene is a previous beauty contributor to,, and

When she’s not blogging she is probably crunching numbers as a Senior Financial Analyst, dancing or figuring a way to meet Beyonce in person. :)

Find me on: Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Ashleigh
    May 23, 2019 / 10:38 am

    Very helpful Charlene! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Adaya
    December 30, 2022 / 11:14 am

    So I’m not the only one feeling bad for getting ready to trash some items!? Geez! I did not realize my hoarding of hair products has gotten wild!!! Love these tips!!! Thank you!

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